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Main trailer The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) movie - 11.22.21 version


IndieSeen: IRMA VEP


7 discussions about Sujewa Ekanayake's new film The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022)

First, the trailer for The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) - which will screen in NYC in April, 2022, and will screen elsewhere throughout 2022.  More screening details by January - at this website. Main trailer The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) movie - 11.1.21 version from Sujewa Ekanayake on Vimeo . * And now, the discussions:  IndieSeen: THE SECRET SOCIETY FOR SLOW ROMANCE Writer Jamie Toth interviews The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) movie's star, also director from Sujewa Ekanayake on Vimeo . Discussion on indie film and The Secret Society For Slow Romance movie with filmmaker Maria Judice from Sujewa Ekanayake on Vimeo . Intro to New Orleans indie film reviewer Bill Arceneaux, talk on SIRP, talk on The Secret Society For Slow Romance from Sujewa Ekanayake on Vimeo . Matt Zoller Seitz on 11/9 IFC Center 'Zodiac' show + positive reaction to Sujewa's acting in The Secret Society For Slow Romance from Sujewa E

IndieSeen podcast ep on The Secret Society For Slow Romance posted on 12 blogs

By the time the film becomes available to the public next year/2022, we hope to have hundreds of posts on each blog, and thousands of links to things related to The Secret Society For Slow Romance movie - which will help people discover the movie.



Support Indie Reviewers Project (SIRP)

Indie filmmakers and indie film fans should donate money to indie film reviewers who focus on real indie, film festival, DIY, art house, foreign, experimental, underground, and other non-Hollywood movies.  That way those reviewers can keep writing about those types of movies, and that is of use to indie filmmakers and indie film fans. I recommend perhaps each indie filmmaker, distribution company, production company, indie film fan giving $5 per indie reviewer, per month, to perhaps 20 indie reviewers or more - to their Patreons or Substacks or other sites. That's $100/month total, and $1200/year. Give less if necessary, and give more, to more writers, if possible.  If thousands of indie filmmakers and indie film fans adopt this practice it would mean a significant amount of money each month to indie film reviewers. Money should be given as voluntary donations, with no strings attached, and no expectations save for that the reviewers continue to cover real indie films and similar o

The Secret Society For Slow Romance (2022) trailer - rent movie here starting January 1, 2022